Saturday, May 9, 2015

Cheap Chase

     Ok, so I've made you wait long enough.  I am finally going to tell you the story of Cheap Chase.  It's been nearly a year since I met this debonair man(sarcasm intended).  I met him online and the first thing that I noticed about him was his height....6'7".  Think, Jolly Green Giant!  He had just recently moved from Seattle to Shawnee(I know, why right?) in corrections. He started off the conversations with some really good questions.  I have found that a lot of guys don't know good questions to ask someone they are trying to get to know online, but they do know how to ask for more pictures!  I appreciated his steady and chill attitude throughout our dialogue, which earned him the name Chill Chase in the beginning. After a couple of weeks of chatting back and forth, he asked me to a coffee date.  I happily accepted but didn't know if he was the type of guy I was attracted to.  

     So, I arrived at Starbucks and waited.  He messaged me to say that he was running late.  When he arrived,  he quickly greeted me and rushed to the counter to get coffee.  I looked at him from the table in shock of how tall 6'7" actually is and watching the group of girls behind him make comments about it as well.  He sat down with his coffee and noticed I didn't have any.  He asked, "did you not feel like having any coffee?"  I responded, "I was just waiting for you before I ordered."  He looked at me, completely oblivious that he should buy me coffee. He did use the words "coffee date".  I thought, "Come on buddy, you are from Seattle.  Isn't that where the Starbucks date originated from?"  I reached for my wallet and walked up to the counter.  We got into conversation and it seemed to flow pretty well.  If you can believe it, he talked more than I did and I'm sure everyone could here our conversation because his voice carried.
 I don't have a hard time engaging people in conversation, but I was not feeling it.  I was a little bored hearing about all the places in Shawnee that offered a special sale on certain nights of the week.  This guy had only been here for 2 weeks and it seemed he knew where to find the best deals than I did, and I've lived here my whole life!  He also talked about finding someone on craigslist that needed a ride in the direction he was going, so he picked up a stranger to share expenses with.  Call me crazy, but I think that's how you get killed!  Naturally, I picked up that he was pretty frugal which is a good thing.  He ended our date with a side hug and as I got in my car, I hoped he was just as bored as I was and wouldn't ask me out for date number 2.  

      I heard back from him a few days later (do guys still follow the 3 day rule?).  He asked me out again, and being the one who hates to reject as much as I hate being rejected, I agreed to another date.  At first, he suggested breakfast at Firelake, because we could get a $1.50 breakfast.  He also mentioned a movie from the dollar theater.  Whoa buddy, don't break the bank.  Picking up on the fact he didn't want to spend much money, I suggested Braum's since he had not been there, being from Seattle and all.  I met him there and we ordered.  The cashier asked us if it was together.  He hesitated for a long time and then finally said, "Uhhhh....sure."  I thought, "He is put out with buying my $2.00 ice-cream?  What a cheapscate!"   Feeling a little perturbed, we sat down at a booth.  I forgot to get water, so he asked if I would go up and get us some water.  I anticipated the moment the date would be over!  The conversation followed along the same path as the first date, however, I don't think I understood just how "frugal" he was until he shared what he did with me.  He mentioned he had to pick up a mattress that he found on Craigslist (ew, gross! There are three things you just don't buy, underwear, and matresses).  I remembered him saying he had a bad when he was living in his first place, here.  I asked him about it.  He proceeded to tell me that he had found a mattress in the alley behind the mattress store and took it.  After a few days, it began to give off a stench, so he had to find another one.  Ewwwww!  I don't even want to know what was on that mattress!  That just takes frugal to a whole new level.  I was so disgusted and held it together until the end of our date.  

     I was shocked the next day to receive a text from him asking if I wanted to go out, again.  Now, this is the part I hate about dating because unless they are the one you are gonna marry, someone has to reject the other one; it just doesn't feel good.  I felt so bad because he was a nice guy, but I had to decline.  He was very cool about it and asked if we could just be friends.  I replied, "sure" knowing that wasn't gonna happen but didn't want to kill his ego.  He texted back and wrote, "yeah, that sounds good because there is this other girl that I have been pursuing, anyways."  The Nerve!  I was over it and didn't feel sorry for him at all after that.  Whoever he ends up with must be willing to pay for their dates and possibly one day, sleeping on a dirty mattress. 

So, that's how Chill Chase became Cheap Chase.  Let me tell you there are some real winners out there ladies, and I'm lucky enough to find them!  LOL!  Anyways, I hope this made you laugh and will leave you in suspense for the story of the next one.  

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