Saturday, April 25, 2015


     I have fallen off the wagon in my attempt to blog about all the interesting men I have met and my experiences with them.  I reread my blog from December and am thankful that God did not have him for my future, either.  Another bullet dodged!  If you care to know, I will fast forward a little and tell you how that story finally ended...for me anyway.  After the blow, I was determined to start the new year with a fresh start and let it be history.  Regretfully, things rarely go the way I would like.  The new year began with several unwanted encounters with "Sorry Sam"(oh, yes...I have revised the name).  Most of them all happened in one day.  I saw him at Subway(which didn't make sense because he works in another town).  That afternoon, I ended up sending a text to a friend about what happened and soon discovering it was not sent to a friend...YES PEOPLE...  I sent it to him! (Raise your hand if you've ever done that before).  I was mortified!!  Hoping to work off the stress after all of that, I went to work out with some coworkers that invited me and low and behold, there he was standing as soon as I walked in.  That resulted in me turning around and walking out the door.  I can't even imagine the look that took over my face.  I wish that was the end folks, but the next day I decided to work out at the YMCA and had the luxury of seeing the girl he broke things off with me for working out as well.  Talk about awkward!  I did manage to set my schedule up to avoid both of them and it has worked!  It took me a few weeks to process all of it and go through several stages of grief.  Denial, sadness, anger, bargaining, anger, sadness, anger, Anger, ANGER! All that anger came 5 weeks later when I got a phone call from a friend, telling me that they were engaged!  WHOA!  I was shocked, but then again, things like that don't shock me anymore.  Story of my life.  All I could think was they are both crazy and deserve each other!  Then, I found myself incredibly angry at him, for knowing he loved someone so strongly, that he would propose to them at any moment, but date someone else to try to convince himself he didn't have feelings for her.  I know I may not have intentionally been used, but that is how I felt.  I went to the gym the next day and beat the kickboxing bag so hard.  For awhile, I wanted it to end just like they had the times before.  I'm just being real, here.  We all have those thoughts and feelings that go on inside.  It wasn't until one day someone  started up a conversation that headed in the direction of how their marriage wasn't going to work and they would end up miserable.  I stopped them in mid conversation to say that I did not want that to happen.  I want their marriage to work out and for him to be happy.  I wouldn't wish for anyone's marriage to end or be miserable.  That's when I knew.  I had finished the grieving process and finally reached acceptance and peace.  There are times I think, man, that was really crappy! They get to have a happily-ever after while I was the one wronged, but I am trying to remind myself that's not what is in my story right now.  It might not ever be a part of my story, but my singleness could be more happily-ever after than a failed relationship with him or anyone else who isn't worthy of me.  Some days are a struggle to believe that God has a better life than the one I've imagined for myself.  I cannot control whether I will marry or have children...but there are things I can control and have chosen to focus on those things.  
     At the end of January, I decided to really focus on my health.  I had created a lot of bad habits when it came to my health...poor diet, lack of exercise, not getting enough sleep.  My family's health history really scared me and I wanted to put myself on the right track so that I could possibly avoid the suffering that my family has endured from these vicious diseases.  God has given me this body for as long as I'm on this earth, and its my responsibility to take care of it so that I can do the work He wants me to do.  

I met with a woman that I went to church with who is a holistic nutritionist.  We talked over dinner about the choices I have made my whole life and I was ready to make a change!  I started a 30-detox where I cut out gluten, wheat, pasta, refined sugar, caffeine, and alcohol.  The purpose of the detox is to eat clean while purging your body of all the toxins that you intake through these foods.  You then introduce those things back in to see if you have any allergies or sensitivities to it.  Most people feel lethargic, have digestion issues, and other reactions because of these foods and don't even know it!  Once you know, you can avoid those foods so you can feel good and energized!  Realistically, the goal is to eat clean 80% of the time and 20% for those special occasions like birthdays, nights out and such.   She set me up with an awesome nutritional kit(plant-based), free coaching, grocery lists and recipes of yummy meals I can eat.  I hesitantly agreed to the 30 days hoping that I would not fail, because honestly, I hadn't stuck with any diet(this means how and what you eat) very long in my life and this was much more extreme.  Surprisingly, I got through the 30 days with much success.  My friend Malialani was a tremendous help and cheerleader for me! I found that I didn't have the cravings for sugar and bad foods nearly as much, so I decided to continue and do another 30 days. After 60 days down, along with many pounds and inches, I kept going!  I was so focused and determined to reach my goal weight, and more importantly, continue feeling AMAZING!!  It's true. You are what you eat!  


I just completed my 90 days last week and am now on Day 96. I realize it won't kill me to have a little bit of those foods, but I know that what I'm doing makes me feel good and I will reach my goal! 

 I will include some before and after pictures of my journey.   As of today, I have lost 35 pounds and 32 inches!!!!  That's half way to my goal!  People ask me what is my secret.  Guess what?  There is no secret!  People see my results, but there is a lot of hard and sweat that I have put in.

I just heard Sandra's voice in my head saying, "You get out, what you put in."  Very true. lol! 
I also have to thank the leaders that host FitCamp for FREE and my awesome coworkers who have encouraged me all the way through it!  You guys rock!!!

 I would love to answer any questions you may have and if you would like to join me and start your very own journey!  You can message me on Facebook or email me at 

Okay!  Now, for the before and after pics!  Each before pictures is from before I started the detox.  Some are months and some are years before.  Look at the difference!

Detox Day 60

Detox Day 75

Detox Day 90


Well, this blog went a totally different direction than I planned, and that's ok!  You will have to learn about Cheap Chase in the next blog!  It's a comical one:)  Enjoy the rest of this beautiful weekend! 

In Christ, 

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